The year 2016 is quickly approaching and you know that this is it—you are actually going to stick to those New Year’s resolutions this year. As an actor, you are a bit unique. You love theatrics and music, art and dancing. You are hoping that 2016 is filled with memorable productions, as well as a bit of personal success. Have you thought about what you would like to accomplish yet? If you are like most actors, you probably do have a few ideas in mind to propel your talent into the future. For those of you who still need a few ideas to help make 2016 the best year yet, here are some New Year’s resolutions for actors.

1. Go to More Auditions

If you want to further your career and spend more time on the big stage, going to more auditions is a great place to start. This will help you to build confidence and give you the experience that you need to go from “good” to “great” with your acting. The more auditions and casting calls that you attend, the closer you will get to obtaining those key starring roles that you have coveted for so long. Going to auditions will also put your name out into the theatre world. Let directors and producers see the face of the big shows of 2016!

2. Lose That Weight

Everyone says it, but who actually loses their holiday weight after New Years? Let this be the year that you get it done. Of course, you should not make this resolution solely about being thin. Make a real lifestyle change that includes eating healthy and working out. Your body will thank you for it, and so will your career. You will also be very proud of your accomplishment when you step on the scale and see your goal number flash across the screen—yet another way to build your confidence.

3. Learn a New Skill

Being able to act is great, but when you combine that talent with another skill, you will be unstoppable. Make the resolution that you will learn something new this year, like dancing or singing. There is an abundance of classes available at your local Georgia theatre that will put you on the path towards expanding your horizons.

4. Quit Your Day Job

Yes, you read that right. As scary as it sounds, you have been wanting to act full time, professionally, for many years. 2016 is just around the corner and this is the year that you will finally make your acting dreams come true. Fine tune your charisma and skill, find yourself a great agency and do what makes you happy. Are you not tired of sitting in that office all day?

5. See More Shows

You did not get to see enough performances in 2015. Though you love to act, you also love being a part of the audience and experiencing the magic of theatre. Now is the time to make plans to attend a few extra performances. If you would like to view upcoming shows or purchase tickets, view our “Buy Tickets” page. For classes or other information, contact a representative from Lionheart Theatre Company today. Have a Happy New Year!