This February, the well-known and beloved story of Charlotte’s Webwill be coming to Norcross. The Lionheart Theatre Company is putting on this special production in the hopes to give back to the community and to bring families closer together. This adaptation of Charlotte’s Web is sure to warm your heart and get your feet tapping as the brilliant Lionheart cast and crew bring the story to life.
What Kids Can Learn from Charlotte’s Web
In 1952, E.B. White originally published one of the most popular works of children’s fiction – Charlotte’s Web. Ever since, this story about the friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte has been rewritten and transformed into numerous versions of plays and productions across the nation. Director Tanya Caldwell of Lionheart Theatre Company chose a specific adaptation of the story as it was written by a school teacher with the intention of educating a younger audience.
Caldwell believes that Charlotte’s Web is an opportunity to teach kids about the values of true friendship. As Wilbur is bullied, kids can see how important it is to love one another in the attempts to stop discrimination. These lessons are incorporated into the storyline, which is made more unique by Caldwell’s addition of popular music and choreographed dance routines.
Lionheart Theatre and the Norcross Community
Lionheart Theatre Company is hoping that this production ofCharlotte’s Web will help raise money for local Summerour Middle School and their upcoming garden project. Caldwell likes to find plays which coordinate with the Norcross community, and she thinks that the farm setting in Charlotte’s Web pairs nicely with Summerour’s project. Not to mention the fact that Charlotte’s Web is often featured on school reading lists, so kids should be familiar with the story and get excited about seeing it live and on stage.
Additionally, the production is hoped to bring the community together. The cast and crew for Charlotte’s Web is diverse in age, proving that any group of people can come together and work towards a common goal, which is one of the many lessons taught by the theatre. The friendship and love displayed between the characters in the story, and the wonderful work from the cast and crew, reflect how Norcross neighbors can join together in bettering the community.
Show Times and Need-to-Know Details
With the first show on February 4, the show will run until Valentine’s Day, February 14. Shows will be at 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with Sunday shows at 2 p.m. Tickets are only $10, and cookies and punch will be served with the cast after each showing.
The show runs between 45 minutes to an hour long and will be performed in the Lionheart Theatre. If you are looking for something fun to do with the kids this winter, bring them out to see Charlotte’s Web. It’s a fun-filled show that is sure to please each and every audience member.
To learn more about our community involvement and the shows we will be putting on this year, please feel free to contact us at Lionheart Community Theatre today.