Do you want to be successful at acting on the big stage, but find that one thing is holding you back from reaching your full potential? Even great, experienced actors suffer from stage fright from time to time. The affliction strikes actors from the stages of Broadway all the way down to kindergarten musicals. If stage fright is a part of your life, you probably notice it starts to creep into your mind and body with symptoms that include shaking and anxiety. It may be so severe that you are unable to perform and all and find yourself completely debilitated.

There is good news: Stage fright can be a thing of the past just by simply retraining your mind to remain calm by using a few good tricks. If you are interested in overcoming your anxiety and being able to actually enjoy acting, continue reading for some tips.

1. Relax to Eliminate Stage Fright

You may think that this is easier said than done, but many actors and actresses are in the habit of working themselves up and exciting the mind before a performance. If you suffer from stage fright, you must get your body under control.

Run through your lines one last time. If you mess up, remember that it is okay. Even if you make a blunder while on the stage, keep going! After you have gone through your lines, sing some of your favorite songs to yourself, or out loud if you’d prefer. Eat a banana for potassium to get rid of any nausea and find a partner to do some stretching.

2. Sit and Think

Meditating before a performance is a great idea. Find a nice and quiet place the morning of the big show or about 15 to 20 minutes before you are to start to sit and relax. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. Do not think about performing, but relaxing your body completely.

3. No Extra Caffeine

Get a good night’s rest the evening before the first big performance so that you can avoid drinking too much coffee or caffeinated beverages. Though some people believe that caffeine will provide them with extra energy to propel them through the performance, it has a tendency to give you even more jitters than you might have had without it. Your goal is to calm your body down before going on stage, not to work it up.

4. It is Okay to Be Nervous — Until a Certain Time

Being nervous about the play is not a bad thing. It is a feeling that could help you to get your performance flawless and compel you to be on time for each and every rehearsal. Embrace the positive parts of nervousness, but do not let it follow you to the big stage. Set a time for you to tell yourself that you are no longer allowed feel nervous. You’ve got this; now go out there and give it your all!

Stage fright is very common, but can be overcome with these suggestions. If you would like more information about performing, visit our classes page or contact a representative with Lionheart Theatre Company today.