One of the most nerve-wracking experiences can be getting on a stage to present jokes. The fear of being rejected can be overwhelming, but don’t let it stop you from living your dream. From being more social, to studying the performances of others and writing jokes that can appeal to a larger audience, here is how to be a better comedian.
Be a Social Butterfly
When you clam up on stage, your jokes can come off as awkward, which can make the audience feel uncomfortable. One way to rid of these anxieties is to immerse yourself into the crowd: be a social butterfly! Not only does socializing make you more comfortable around people, it might even provide you with new material for original jokes.
Also, when you spend time with different people in different settings, it gives you the opportunity to try out some performances and rid of your fear for public speaking. Don’t hog the spotlight or continue on with a bit if no one is laughing. It could turn people off from you, and this might discourage you, which is the opposite effect you want to go for when building up your social skills. Take this time to learn how to read and feel a crowd.
Study and Create New Jokes
Of course, listen to your favorite comedians and study their performances, but don’t be afraid to branch out, too. What your favorite comedian does might not be something that you could successfully pull off. But by studying jokes from a variety of comedians, you might get to create your own, unique style.
When creating new jokes, think of real-life experiences that others might have endured too. Don’t try too hard though, because then you will over complicate things. Keep your jokes simple so that your performance is natural and relaxed. Audiences like a comedian who they can relate to, and who is comfortable in their abilities.
Be a Better Comedian and Try ‘Em Out!
The only way you will know if a joke is successful is to test it out. If you feel like the joke dragged out too long, or it was taking things a bit too far, consider revising them. You don’t want to come off as offensive, and you need to keep your jokes relevant in order to please the masses.
Don’t get discouraged, either. If you present your joke and no one laughs, that doesn’t mean that you’re not funny, it just means that the joke doesn’t work. Spend some time on your jokes and their delivery. Timing and the direction you taken them in can make a world of difference.
Improv classes are a great way to test out your wits and delivery skills, too. With stand-up comedy, you don’t have to think on your feet a much, but you never know when the occasion might present itself. With improv, you can practice with your fellow thespians in creating scenes on the spot. And like socializing, it could provide you with some great material for new jokes.
Are you interested in testing out your comedic skills and learning to be a better comedian? Stop by the Lionheart Theatre Company website orcontact us to learn more about how we can help.