Tips to Be a Better Comedian

Tips to Be a Better Comedian

One of the most nerve-wracking experiences can be getting on a stage to present jokes. The fear of being rejected can be overwhelming, but don’t let it stop you from living your dream. From being more social, to studying the performances of others and writing jokes...
What the Price of a Ticket Covers

What the Price of a Ticket Covers

When you pay for your ticket at the theatre, you might be wondering, “What does that money go towards?” In most community theatres, the actors are not paid, but your money still goes towards the production. Ticket costs cover everything from the stage sets to the...
How to Conquer Stage Fright

How to Conquer Stage Fright

Do you want to be successful at acting on the big stage, but find that one thing is holding you back from reaching your full potential? Even great, experienced actors suffer from stage fright from time to time. The affliction strikes actors from the stages of Broadway...
Getting Ready for Your First Rehearsal

Getting Ready for Your First Rehearsal

Is your first rehearsal for the new local theatre company production drawing near? If so, you are probably experiencing a few nervous jitters — especially if you are new to acting. This is an exciting undertaking and you will be happy that you pushed through those...